Friday, November 21, 2008

5 Tips for facing tough economy

The staff of CCSNYS put their heads together, and came up with the following five strategies that might help your organization in facing the upcoming tough economic times ahead. Remember, a dollar saved is as good as a dollar earned!
  1. Get more efficient - put in cost controls and cut where possible
  2. Reorganize internally - reorganize how you do things in order to do them better
  3. Raise more money - diversify your funding sources, which admittedly, is tough to do unless there is existing infrastructure and experience
  4. Restructure - consider your options: merge, collaborate, shared services
  5. Look at market realities - core versus secondary programs, etc...

Let's make this a space where we can go for sharing tips on how you may be doing any of the above helping each other, we make everyone stronger!


Larry Wenger said...

Want to save some serious money? Reduce staff turnover...especially at entry level. Rutgers U. recently placed the cost of entry level turnover at social service agencies at $7500 per incident. Cash out the door! Now is the time for human service organizations to redouble their effort to develop, train and engage staff, especially those direct care workers where most of the turnover is and lots of the process problems too. Now we need the maximum from everyone.

Larry Wenger, MSW
Workforce Performance Group

Cindy L. Wagner said...

Exactly! There are so many hidden costs in staff training that aren't considered...The WNY ED Network meeting on March 4th will be dedicated to those cost saving, alternative resource development, etc...kind of efforts.
Question for those of you out there: Did you know that you, as 501(c)(3) organizations do not have to pay into the state unemployment insurance plan? Should you?